Visa U y Visa T: Requisitos, Certificaciones, Diferencias

La visa U es para víctimas de ciertos delitos, mientras que la visa T es para víctimas de trata de personas.
How to Speed Up Immigration Process

Introduction Immigrating to a new country can be an exciting and life-changing experience, but it’s no secret that the immigration process can also be daunting and time-consuming. The paperwork, regulations, and wait times can make the process seem overwhelming, especially for those unfamiliar with the system. As an aspiring immigrant, you must understand the challenges […]
How Divorce Can Affect the Immigration Process

Introduction The immigration process can become more complicated when divorce is involved. If you or your spouse is seeking a visa or green card, a divorce can seriously affect your immigration status. It’s important to understand how divorce can impact the immigration process. These range from potentially denying your application to revoking your existing visa. […]
Naturalization and U.S. Military Service: The Complete Guide

Introduction Naturalization and U.S military service may be one of the easiest ways to acquire citizenship. It is the process of obtaining citizenship in a country for those who were not born there. This means that an individual who is not a citizen of the United States can become a citizen through naturalization. There are […]