11 Documentos Esenciales que necesita para solicitar una Tarjeta Verde a través del Matrimonio.

Esta guía explica los 11 documentos esenciales necesarios para solicitar una tarjeta verde a través del matrimonio.
¿Qué significa patrocinar a alguien para obtener una Tarjeta Verde?

¿Qué significa exactamente ser un patrocinador y cómo funciona todo? Esta guía explica.
Adjustment of Status and the K-1 Visa

When you’re a U.S. citizen who wants to marry someone from another country – whether it’s your country of origin or elsewhere – you may be able to bring your fiancé to the United States on a K-1 visa. The K-1 visa is designed to allow a U.S. citizen and their foreign fiancé to get […]
La lista definitiva de verificación de la tarjeta verde.

Cuando solicita una tarjeta verde en los Estados Unidos, necesita varios documentos que demuestren que es elegible para la residencia permanente.
What are the requirements for a Green Card?

If you’re like many people, you’d like to get lawful permanent residency in the United States. Lawful permanent residency enables you to live and work anywhere you wish in the U.S. or its territories. When you’re a lawful permanent resident (LPR), you get a green card; that card is proof of your legal residency in […]
11 Documents needed to Apply for a Green Card Through Marriage

This guide explains the 11 essential documents needed to apply for a green card through marriage, as well as some of the other types of proof you may need to provide USCIS.